Thanksgiving Holiday: Where To Go & How to Avoid Cooking & Cleaning
If the idea of having your family over for Thanksgiving makes you feel worn out even before it begins, you may want to reconsider changing your plans for the holiday for something that brings you more joy.
If seeing your family is something you don’t want to miss, but you could skip the cooking and house cleaning, there are plenty of options to spend the holiday that don’t involve these two exhausting tasks.
One of the best ways to spend quality time with your family without cleaning is to travel. Here we present you only a couple of the many places you can visit during the holidays, and that can serve as a great escape to do the regular housecleaning chores. However, before leaving, we suggest you thoroughly clean your house so you can fully enjoy your vacation without worrying about cleaning when you get home.
Holiday Idea #1 – Thanksgiving in Hawaii
One of the greatest destinations to visit any time of the year is Hawaii. However, visiting during November has some added benefits, first, the weather is cooler so you can spend more time outdoors than you normally would, and second, it is usually less crowded, which allows you to enjoy more quiet and relaxing time anywhere you go.
The other added benefit is that most resort restaurants offer a special Thanksgiving dinner during the holiday, so you can easily make a reservation at your favorite restaurant and attend with your family, and guess what? You don’t have to wash the dishes, clean your kitchen, or organize anything at all.
Holiday Idea #2 – Thanksgiving in New Orleans
If you’re looking to spend an extraordinary Thanksgiving, New Orleans is the place to go. New Orleans is known for its music culture, great parties, and incredible food, so if you’re looking to take your family to an exciting and different holiday, this place will exceed all your expectations.
Worried about Thanksgiving dinner? At New Orleans you will have the chance to taste the new and delicious dish known as “turducken”, a chicken stuffed into a duck, stuffed into a turkey, we’re pretty sure you and your family will love it.
Holiday Idea # 3 – Thanksgiving in Lake Tahoe
If you enjoy going to the mountains, Lake Tahoe is the perfect destination. You can either rent a cabin for your whole family or stay in one of the many ski resorts and spend hours enjoying the slopes and the 100+ inches of snow that usually falls during mid-November.
If you want to have a special yet traditional Thanksgiving dinner, you could reserve your spot at your resort or go to another restaurant nearby.
Although these are only a few options to spend the holiday, there are countless places around California that you can visit on a four-day holiday, that are also incredibly beautiful.
Remember, if you need professional housecleaning services, give us a call. We can set you up with the best maids at a fair and honest price.