The Ultimate Spring Cleaning Checklist For San Diego Residents
Whether you realize it or not, the winter season is almost gone and the spring season is about to come in San Diego. The spring season is not only confined to bright-colored plants, greener grass, and warm temperatures but there’s more to it.
In addition to the above, it also signals spring cleaning. Before the advent of the spring season, clean your home thoroughly to make it spring-ready. While doing so, also cover the places you don’t usually cover.
Usually, the spring season is regarded as a happy season but this may prove to be otherwise for people with allergies. Consequently, it’s important to deep clean your home before the spring season comes.
Here are some spring cleaning tips for you to bear in mind while deep cleaning your home.
Spring Cleaning Checklist For San Diego Residents
Initially, spring cleaning may sound like a boring chore to you but it is essential to deep clean your home and keep yourself healthy and free from infections. Here’s how to create a spring cleaning checklist while residing in San Diego.
Washing windows and screens
Floors, windows, and screens also get dirty and tend to accumulate dirt, dust, and debris on them. Cleaning windows and screens is what most people forget. Consequently, before moving on to other things, consider deep cleaning the windows and screens first.
Clean the windows inside and out. Simply take a microfiber cloth and a glass cleaner to wipe the dust off from your windows. You can also use a steam cleaner for better results. Begin wiping from the top and go to the bottom.
Also, take note of the window corners, sills, and panes to ensure that they are clean and dust-free. As far as the outside of the windows is concerned, make sure they are cleaned with water and dried with a soft cloth later on.
There should be no dirt and grime left on the windows as it blocks or blurs your view of the outside. Lastly, if you have blinds attached to your windows, dust them with a duster and wipe the leftover dirt.
Declutter kitchen, bedroom & living room
Whether you realize it or not, decluttering is essential and should be made part of your daily routine. Decluttering is helpful, especially when it comes to spring cleaning. It helps you to be more organized and more efficient.
The significant benefit of decluttering is that it helps you to get rid of accumulated dirt, dust, and grime. Some areas requiring decluttering are the kitchen, bedroom, and living room.
For decluttering your kitchen, throw out foods and medicines that are expired, switch to reusable bags instead of plastic bags, and discard unused items.
Like the Kitchen, also declutter your living room by removing unused items and making up more space by adding hooks, cabinets, and panels. If you have kids, then clean their toys and provide them with storage for their toys.
Donate unused clothes, organize your makeup kits, and organize your closets so that it becomes easy for you to find the things that you are looking for.
Prepare a cleaning schedule
Preparing your cleaning schedule is the next important thing to take note of when creating a spring cleaning checklist for San Diego residents. With so many spaces and a lot of things to cover, spring cleaning is not going to be easy and therefore, it is highly advisable to prepare a cleaning schedule.
When making a cleaning schedule, identify the areas that need extensive cleaning, areas that consume most of your time, and the materials you’ll require to do so. Also, pick the right time for executing your tasks. It’s best to schedule your cleaning when nobody is around as it enables you to focus better.
If you feel that deep cleaning the house on your own can be difficult, then you can also hire third-party cleaners and include them in your schedule. By delegating the cleaning tasks to other family members, you can ensure that spring cleaning is done in minimal time.
Consequently, preparing a checklist will ensure you don’t miss out on anything and get everything done on time.
Ceiling fans and blinds
Dusting ceiling fans and blinds is another thing to include in your spring cleaning checklist. Once you turn on the ceiling fans, the dirt and dust from the ceiling fans start spreading all over your house.
If left untreated, it can lead to allergies and dry attacks. Consequently, the best way to deal with this is to take time to clean your ceiling fans and blinds at regular intervals.
Final Thoughts
Following the spring cleaning tips mentioned above, San Diego residents can easily get rid of all the dirt, dust, and grime from their homes. Above all, you can also call in cleaning professionals to do the spring cleaning for you.
Hire The Experts: Book Your Professional Housecleaning Service in San Diego
Call: 858-271-4800 or book your cleaning online