Popular Houseplants that Are Easy to Take Care Of
Indoor plants are something that many people don’t often think about when they’re trying to make their home a more stress-free place. However evidence shows that houseplants benefit your mental and emotional health. House plants also bring life into your home and help clean indoor air.
Taking care of plants can be a bit intimidating, especially if you don’t have a green thumb, but there are plenty of resilient houseplants that don’t require a lot of maintenance. Here is a list of three easy houseplants to help you decide which could be good for your home.
Snake Plant
The snake plant comes in many varieties: some are short, some and twisted leaves, and others have tall, straight leaves about 12” in length. The plant’s leaves have stripes in either yellow or white and are easy to take care of. They look exotic and bring a nice accent to a living area.
Snake plants can be in low-light places and if you forget to water it for a week or even two it will be OK. This plant is not poisonous, but it is not pet-friendly. Eating the leaf of the snake plant can give your furry family member an upset stomach and cause some pain. So make sure to keep this plant away from curious pets.
Pothos Plant
This indoor vine plant is one of the most common houseplants because it can grow in water or soil, and the hanging heart-shaped green leaves look beautiful.
These plants do better in indirect light or low light, not direct sunlight. Most of them have an intense green color with some yellow stripes that make for a great color combination. If you keep them in the water you don’t have to do anything else until the water runs out and need to refill it. But if you decide to grow them in soil, check them every 4 to 5 days. If the soil is dry when you touch it, then they need water. After you check it a few times you will notice a pattern and will be able to determine when it needs water without putting your finger in the soil.
A lot of people like these plants because they will grow around your home, helping your living space feel alive. But something to keep in mind is that these hanging houseplants are toxic if eaten, so it’s best to keep them out of reach of pets and very young children.
Spider Plant
Considered one of the most adaptable of the houseplants, spider plants look amazing when they are hung and their leaves fall over the pot, creating a beautiful cascade of greenery. These plants only need well-draining soil and bright, indirect light to grow. Spider plants don’t need a lot of watering: make sure they have enough water but don’t drown them, they will do better in drier soil than over watered soil.
Another bonus of the spider plant is that it’s pet-friendly.
We hope that this post has shown you that plants are not as intimidating as you might have thought. And we hope we’ve inspired you to visit your local nursery and pick up a plant of your own. Your home will look more lively, your air will be cleaner, and you can experience all the health benefits of plants.