4 Simple Steps to Declutter Your Closet
If you’re suffering from the syndrome of “too many clothes, yet nothing to wear”, it’s probably time to declutter your closet.
Even if you make a regular cleaning, closet cleaning and organization are oftentimes neglected because of the hard work and dedication it requires. Fortunately, we have come up with four easy-to-follow steps to get rid of excess clutter in your closets and with minimum effort.
1. Mentally prepare yourself
Alright, this is not an easy step but it’s the most important of them all. Preparing yourself mentally for a closet clean-out will make things run smoother and it will allow you not to abandon the task midway.
If you need help, ask for it! You can either ask a friend to help, a family member, or hire a professional maid specifically for this and make the best out of your efforts and time. You have to look into the closet almost every day when you get ready in the morning, and it will make a genuine difference (peace of mind), when you see an organized, clean closet at the beginning of your day.
2. Keep seasons in mind
Whenever you clean the closet keep the current season in mind. For example, if you’re cleaning your closet in Spring, consider leaving Summer and pre-fall clothes, not winter clothes, because you will probably shop for new sweaters and jackets for the upcoming winter. This is to prevent clutter. As a side note, it is always wise to shop a season in advance as you will get the best deals at the stores (i.e. shop for winter clothes in summer, and vice versa).
3. Don’t hold on to old clothes
Ask yourself if you would buy that piece of clothing again if you were shopping. Sometimes we hold on to clothes just because they looked great a couple of years ago but that doesn’t mean it will look the same if you wear it today. If you have a hint of doubt that you should keep that knitted sweater you used to love, let it go and put it in the donations bag. Someone else could make better use of it than you and it’s a tax write-off. Old clothes are one of the main contributors to closet clutter.
4. Donate, sell, or re-purpose
Decide what to do with the clothes you don’t want anymore. You can either sell it if you think it still has some value, donate it, which is always a great option because you contribute to helping those in need, or re-purpose it by taking some time to turn your clothes into tote bags, rugs, or even blankets. Get creative – budget some time to make these things happen. You can even ask your local craft retailer (e.g. Michael’s or Joann’s craft stores) for ideas – they are chomping at the bit to help!
Remember that deep cleaning your closet is just one aspect of cleaning your home. If you do it regularly, it will become easier to keep everything organized for the rest of the year. Many of our clients use the traditional maid service or housekeeper to help with these basic “home care” tasks. Beyond the core cleaning of your home – from kitchens to bathrooms – we recommend budgeting some time (either for yourself or through a professional cleaning service) to address these peripheral areas of the home. If you have further questions about closet cleaning/organizing or house cleaning, don’t hesitate to give us a call.