4 Effective Recipes To Remove Stains On Your Laundry
There is nothing worse than stains on your favorite garments, especially if the stain is nearly impossible to remove, and oftentimes we can end up damaging the fabric after applying excessive, yet inefficient cleaning methods.
The good news is that there are effective cleaning methods for many types of stains that can bring back the original glow of your favorite garments. Here are some effective stain removal recipes you can use to clean different types of stains.
1. Coffee
Get a cotton ball and moisten it with distilled vinegar. Spot-treat the stain with it and watch it disappear. If it’s necessary, get a clean cotton ball and repeat the process until the garment is completely clean, include it in your regular dirty clothes, and do laundry afterward.
2. Foundation
To remove the foundation from your clothes or any other type of make-up, pre-treat the stained area with liquid dish soap letting it rest for 10 to 20 minutes and then wash in hot water.
3. Sweat
Sweat stains can be very hard to remove, but not at all impossible. One good way of getting rid of sweat stains once and for all is to soak the garment in cold salt water and then sun dries it. After this, wash it with the rest of your laundry, as usual, using regular soap.
4. Cooking oils
One of the most common stains on clothes is cooking oils, either pure or mixed with other ingredients to prepare salad dressings. To remove these kinds of stains, just moisten the fabric with water and sprinkle baking soda over the stain, allow the baking soda to soak the moisture for about 20 minutes before laundering.
Another great thing about these stain removal recipes is that they’re completely natural, so you don’t have to worry about skin irritation if you have sensitive skin, however, if you feel that these ingredients might be too harsh on your skin, put on a pair of gloves before handling the solutions.
We hope these recipes are helpful, however, if you require professional laundry and folding clothes service, give us a call. At Weekend Maids we can set you up with professional launderers!