3 Reasons Why Cleaning Your Windows is a Must During Spring
Spring is one of the most beautiful seasons of the year. But like the other 3 reasons, there are positive and other not-so-positive elements that come along with it. On the positive side, spring gives us a break from the cold weather bringing warmer days and providing us with a feast of colors and blossoming life. On the negative side, you have to carry your whole closet with you because the weather is still unpredictable and windows get terribly dirty. That’s the reason window cleaning is an absolute must as you head into the summer months.
Here are some of the reasons why cleaning your windows should be at the top of your Spring Cleaning checklist:
1. Bugs also enjoy Spring
In the same way, humans enjoy warm weather, bugs and all kinds of animal life do as well. This means they will all be out enjoying Spring much like you. The more activity bugs have, the more insect and bird excrement you will get on your window that will start building up until you can no longer watch the blooming flowers from inside your home. Yes, it’s pretty gross to think about.
2. Pollen build-up
From the beginning of the season, plants start their reproduction dance and pollen is everywhere, which along with dust and dirt can create a layer that can damage your windows, hinder your view, and increase the chance of giving you allergies. We all love allergies, right?
A professional window cleaning is necessary if you want to avoid all these issues, as just wiping down the windows isn’t enough.
3. Preventing seasonal allergies
The key to preventing seasonal allergies is to avoid the allergens altogether. But during Spring this can become a really hard task since pollen and dust are everywhere. A great way to win the battle is by carrying out a regular house cleaning in which you target all the areas of your home that can accumulate more allergens.
Professional carpet cleaning, window cleaning, doing laundry regularly (pollen gets trapped everywhere!), and a general, but constant housecleaning can do wonders.
As you can see, having dirty windows during Spring can affect much more than just your view, so if you’re ready to take action, give us a call to set you up with professional window cleaners, and start enjoying the warmer days.